The die head of a plastic shredder granulator is an important part of the machine and is mainly used to form and shape plastic pellets. By designing the die head into different shapes and structures, different shapes, sizes, and properties of plastic pellets can be produced. The die head of a strand pelletizer affects the quality and characteristics of the final plastic pellets.
Plastic shredder granulator die head operation specification
To prevent the die head from malfunctioning and causing a shutdown, the operator must strictly follow the operating specifications. Carelessness or misuse during maintenance, cleaning, or adjustment is the main cause of die head damage. It is therefore essential that all personnel who come into contact with the plastic pellet maker die head are rigorously trained.

Replacement of strand pelletizer die head
When it is necessary to change the plastic shredder granulator die head, it is necessary to let a person operate it. Maintenance personnel should have experience in disassembling, inspecting, and installing new plastic shredder granulator die heads. The dismantling, cleaning, repair, and maintenance of the diehead should be carried out at a designated location. The location is to be away from the production site.